Saturday, July 4, 2009

My blgger experience

Good nights my dear companions, well, This one is my last text in the blog! and the topic of this text is "my blogger experience". To begin I must say that to write in the blog has been a magnificent experience because this one has been a tool to promote my capacities in english. Nevertheless I have serious apprehensions with the system work in the blog because this method forces us to fade in to the system computacional.This method forces us to fade in to the system computacional and (at least in my case) for my it is complicated to do the blog because due to the fact that I come from Concepcion, I am living alone in Santiago and I do not have computer. For this I could not deliver several works in time. Nevertheless, in spite of this I can say that it has been wealth-producing to be employed at the blog because thanks to this I have learned many words looking for them in Internet. Well,also I can add that apart from the english learning, thanks to the blog I learned to create a blog and seems to my me this experience is doubly wealth-producing.To finish, I can write that I have learned more English this semester, I was imagining that my learning was not going to be so much, nevertheless thanks to this learning already I can understand (moderately well) the conversations and inform of them, (I could not do this before) for this me meeting very prepared and filled with enthusiasm to face the last stage of my learning: English four. I hope that all of you have a few nice vacations. Companions, we meet (I hope) another semester, look after themselves very much,I give all of you many embraces. (I hope that all you have had good qualifications in the last exam). Bye

Thursday, July 2, 2009

The real education

¡The schools suppress the creativity!
This one is Ken Robinson's hypothesis, Ken Robinson (as the page says it) "champions a beautiful rethink of our school systems" for "creating an education system that nurtures (rather than undermines) creativity.".According to my opinion, this one is a noble and honest intention because few persons those who can criticize the educational system that reigns (Because it is convenient for many people or because many people do not notice that the education can be different because they are accustomed to this system). The people are so accustomed to the "common thing" that they do not analyze his environment and do not notice the deficiencies. Other persons like Claudio Naranjo also defend this intention, Claudio Naranjo says " The school is used to domesticate ". This phrase means the same thing that the previous phrase (The schools suppress the creativity). To finish I can write that this type of ideology is very similar to the ideology that motivates me to studying psychology.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

My Future Job

Hi guys, how are you doing? I hope you will be fine.
Well, in this case I will write about my future (or ideal) job.
I look me in the future working in a rural school with characteristics different from the normal ones ("classic", "conservative" and "capitalists") of the majority.
To achieve this I need learn how human learn for teach this to the teacher and then teach the real education to the children, not the “classic education”, this education is only transfer of information (Concept used by Claudio Naranjo), It does not serve to develop the human potential, this education only serves to be exploited in the capitalist work. Nevertheless, find this job is very dificult because this it that because this work needs from a college that it is not common in Chile (less in a rural region), this means that it is necessary to create projects to they spread in the country. well, to finish i can write that this idea is not not simple,it is a complex project that must be dedicated to the education of Chile.